Monday, May 10, 2010

The Purpose of Marriage

"The purpose of Christian marriage is to paint a biblical picture of the marriage supper of the Lamb."
CJ Mahaney

Marriage is to contribute evangelically. Our marriage is a physical picture of the bond between Christ and his Church. Why do so many Christian marriages end up in divorce? Because many Christians don't view marriage through biblical lenses. Marriage is not about feelings. It isn't about a set of our needs getting met (although that is essential to a good marriage). Instead, marriage is about a husband and a wife, painting a picture for all the world to see, about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Wives are called to submit to their husbands as Christ submitted to his Father. Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church (and gave up His life for her). The biblical picture of marriage, will always paint a picture of Christ. When the world looks at a "working" Christian marriage, they should see all the attributes of Christ withing the scope of that marriage. Love, grace, patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, humility, selflessness....These are all ways in which Christ loved the church and submitted himself to the Father. And these are the attributes Christians should strive for in their marriage.

What type of example are you portraying with your marriage? What does your marraige say about Christ?

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